Welcome to Reception’s homepage! Reception is such an exciting year, full of hands on learning and play. We are very excited to settle in and for the fun to begin! Take a look at what we have been learning on our class blog!

Reception Team

Class Teachers: Ms See, Ms McQueen and Ms Ricketts 

Autumn 1

This term the focus will be settling the children into school and our topic will be ‘All about me’. The children will take part in lots of activities related to this theme, like making self-portraits, practicing writing their name and sharing information about their family and home. The children will be given tours of the school and will get to know all the people that work within it. 

We will explore lots of stories related to this theme, like Owl Babies, and will use these to do some writing activities. The children will practice retelling these narratives and will engage in various creative activities during their independent play. 

We will begin our phonics lessons and will start learning to recognise and write our first graphemes. 

In maths we will practice automatically recognising numbers up to 5 and we will develop different counting skills. We will also deepen our understanding of number by exploring the composition of different numbers up to 5. 

In PE we will be experimenting with different ways of moving and we will be learning to jump and land appropriately. 

In RE we will exploring Christianity and the question – Who cares for this special world and why? We will explore this through lots of hands on activities, Bible stories and discussion.

Autumn 2

This term Reception learn all about transport! We will read books, like The Naughty Bus, and learn  all about people in the community that work on transport as well as how transport has changed over time. 

In Phonics we will continue to learn our Phase 2 sounds and tricky words. We will also begin learning how to segment words to spell them. This term Reception also start their Little Wandle reading programme.

In Maths we will be comparing numbers, developing our counting strategies and thinking about how numbers are made of different parts that can be added together. 

In PSHE we will continue learning about the Zones of Regulation. We will also think about how to set personal goals, how we can be kind to others and the importance of keeping healthy and clean.

In R.E. we will be exploring the question ‘Why is Christmas special for Christians?’ We will think about how people generally prepare for the birth of a baby and for Christmas. We will also listen to and learn the Nativity story in preparation for our show at the end of term!

Spring 1

This term our topic is fantastic food! We will read books like; No Dinner!, I Will Never Not Ever Eat a Tomato and The Gigantic Turnip. We will continue to explore our stories through our drawings and writing. 

We will also explore the different people that work in the food industry, where food comes from and how it grows. We will also think about how we can keep healthy and conduct some science experiments about this. 

In phonics we will begin Phase 3 of the Little Wandle Programme. This will involve learning lots more digraphs and trigraphs. We will continue our reading programme three times a week as well.

In maths we will continue to practice our subitising skills and will begin to recognise the different numerals. We will practice using die to play games and count different actions. We will practice ordering numbers and saying when we have ‘1 more’ of something. We will also begin partitioning numbers into different parts.

In R.E. we will be thinking about the question ‘Why do Christians believe that Jesus is special?’ We will be discussing who are special people in our lives and then connecting this to stories from the Bible.

In PSHE we will be learning how to keep safe, feeling proud as well as understanding differences.

In Art and Design we will be exploring the artist Arcimboldo and experimenting with our food collages and photography. We will also be making our own observational drawings of different fruit and vegetables. 

Spring 2

This term we will be exploring everything dinosaurs! We will be reading lots of lovely books about different dinosaurs. We will then use these to inspire our play, drama, drawing and writing. We will also be learning more about when the dinosaurs lived and what the world was like at this time.

In  Maths we will be focusing on pattern, ordering numbers, doubles and odd and even numbers. 

In Phonics we will continue to review our Phase 3 graphemes. We will also focus on reading and writing longer words, words with double letters, words with two or more digraphs and compound words. 

In PSHE we will be having various circle times based around understanding difference, staying safe online, and exploring our feelings.

In R.E. we will be focusing on the Easter story and specifically answering the question ‘What is so special about Easter?’ We will be exploring this through whole class discussions, small group work and play. 

Summer 1

This term we will be learning all about how to care for our environment. We will be learning about how to look after our oceans, care for plants and animals and recyle and reuse litter. We will read lots of stories based on this theme like ‘Clean Up!’, ‘Alba the Hundred Year Old Fish’ and ‘Somebody Swallowed Stanley’. 

In Maths we will continue developing our sense of number. We will explore patterns in the number sequence like even and odd numbers, doubles and the ‘teen’ numbers. 

In Phonics we will be learning to read and write longer words and sentences. We will continue learning more tricky words. 

In R.E. we will be learning about special places and places of worship. We will think about what places are special to us and why. 

In PSHE we will be learning about healthy lifestyles and the things we can do to keep fit and healthy! 


Monday TuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday
Reading folders to be brought in. Please ensure that your child reads at home every night. Children to come to school wearing their PE kit.Reading folders to be brought in. Please ensure that your child reads at home every night.Home learning set on Tapestry.