Our Christian Verse

“And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, by encouraging one another.” (Hebrews 10: 24-25)

Our Vision Statement

At the heart of our school are high expectations and depth in faith that inspire our children to grow, flourish and work together as a team, to achieve their full potential. It is our intention for all children to develop their fullest sense of self, both individually and collectively.

Underpinned by our Christian verse, our three core values of care, courage and cooperation (The Three Cs) are at the heart of all that we do at school; in the relationships we build, the opportunities we create and the curriculum that we teach.

Learning is brought to life by making it memorable and engaging, both in the classroom and beyond. We believe that working with drama, art, music and sporting specialists through whole-school projects, performances and competitions enhances our curriculum. These creative, cultural and sporting activities symbolise the holistic and inclusive view of education that runs through our school, with the development of the whole child driving all that we do.

At Holy Trinity and S. Silas we encourage children to be:

  • Caring citizens who show care to each other, the local community and wider world; who know how their actions can help others.
  • Courageous communicators – who ask questions, speak knowledgeably, extend their vocabulary,  take risks, learn from their mistakes and challenge themselves through new experiences.
  • Cooperative learners – who work well together, negotiate and compromise, share ideas, listen to and support one another.