The main role of the governors is one of monitoring and evaluation to support the head and her staff.

Holy Trinity & S. Silas Governing Board

We help the Senior Leadership Team to set and reach targets and to strive for excellence across the whole spectrum of school life. We have a legal responsibility to:

  • ensure that the National Curriculum is followed;
  • oversee the school’s budget;
  • monitor the condition of the school buildings and grounds;
  • ensure that Special Educational Needs/Disabilities (SEND) are met.

To fulfil our role we have two committees:

  1. The Performance Committee scrutinises the school curriculum, SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) provision, school results and data, and policies in these areas.
  2. The Resources Committee scrutinises finance and staffing across the school, looking at the budget, staffing, performance management, benchmarking against other schools and related policies. Each committee meets twice a term and reports to a full Governing Board meeting every half term. There are also other sub-committees that meet from time to time to cover a specific task, for example setting and reviewing the head teacher’s performance agreement.

The Governors

There are several categories of governor, appointed by different bodies that have an interest in the school. These are the Local Authority (“LA”), Deanery Synod, parish, parents and staff. All governors have equal status, however they are appointed.

Holy Trinity & S. Silas governors are committed to their goal of achieving an outstanding education for all pupils within a highly stimulating and creative environment.


Katie Roden – Chair of governors; Deanery Synod governor; chair of the Performance Committee

Joint link governor for Early Years.

Katie is a publishing consultant specialising in book and digital content development. She has worked extensively with educational publishers as well as with top authors and brands in fiction, non-fiction and sport. Katie chairs the Performance Committee and is particularly passionate about tracking children’s progress and monitoring data.


Tessa Anslow – Associate member of the Governing Body; member of Performance Committee

Link governor for SEN and inclusion, including Pupil Premium.

Tessa is a secondary school English teacher with responsibility for Key Stage 3 literacy. She is also mother to two former HT&SS pupils and a part-time gardener.


Jacqui Miller – PCC governor; member of the Performance Committee

Joint link governor for child protection and safeguarding, and Looked-After (and post-Looked-After) Children.

Jacqui has been attending Holy Trinity and S. Silas churches for the past five years, but has been involved with children’s work at Holy Trinity for a little longer.

She is a primary school teacher, leading Year 5 in a three-form entry primary school in the London borough of Haringey. She has taught Years 4, 5 and 6 and has a particular interest in languages and maths.

Jacqui is married to Fr. Luke Miller, who is the Archdeacon of London and chair of the London Diocesan Board for Schools.


Hannah Hutter – Co-opted Nominated by the PCC member of the Performance Committee & Resources Committee


Lisa Newman – Parent governor; member of the Performance Committee

Link governor for Key Stage 1.

Lisa is a marketer with experience across many business sectors and a current role in the drinks industry.

She plays an active role in Parents in Partnership and Sunday School at Holy Trinity Church. Her son, Dylan, is a former pupil of the school and her daughter, Freya, is in Year 4.


Neil McIntyre – Staff Governor & member of the Performance Committee

Neil is the deputy head at Holy Trinity & S. Silas.


Lorraine Goll – Ex officio; Member of the Performance and Resources committees

Lorraine is headteacher of Holy Trinity & S. Silas.


Will Butler – Parent Governor; member of the performance committee


Boo Sethi Cakir – Associate member of the Governing Body

Boo is joint link governor for Early Years.

She is a qualified accountant working in the entertainment industry.


Hannah Palmer – Deanery Synod governor; member of the Resources Committee

Link governor for the arts.

Hannah works as a freelance charity administrator and photographer. She is a member of the Mercers’ Company and sits on the Charter 600 Charity Committee. She has been a governor since April 2013.


Simon Kantor  – Parent Governor & member of the Resources Committee

Simon works in the communications industry, having previously worked in Government, Technology and Consulting. He has two daughters, one of whom is in Y1 at HTSS.


Arabella Murray – PCC Governor

Arabella is an Executive Producer working in television, specialising in fiction programmes. She was a parent at the school until Summer 2021, with two daughters here over 11 years. She has strong interest in and connection with the Arts, is passionate about their value to the young and has skills in communications, team management and fund raising.


Ola Soetan – Parent Governor

Ola is a husband, father of three and a writer. His children are in Y2, Y4 and Y6 at HTSS. He lives in Camden and has worked previously as a legal adviser and consultant in local government.
