Every year in the summer term the whole school, from Reception to Year 6, take part in a Shakespeare project.

During this term, every class’s curriculum is based on related themes from the chosen play. Classes also work together to produce part or the whole play which is then shared with the rest of the school and the wider community in an ‘Exhibition Week’: Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 work together and re-tell a section of the play through dance, song and rhyming couplets; Year 3 and Year 4 work together to re-tell another part of the play, also through song, dance and some verse; Year 6 perform an adaptation of the entire play, including original dialogue, with Year 5 supporting them in the choreography.

The penultimate week of the spring term is a celebration of all the work by everyone, where all classes watch and support one another and display work in a whole school exhibition.

We are delighted to have a new partner onboard this year LabTech. Through their Community Grants Programme LabTech support a wide range of local initiatives to improve the local neighbourhood and enhance local residents’ quality of life. LabTech’s funding is helping to financially support the 2024 Shakespeare Project ‘Julius Caesar’. LabTech are a local organisation in the heart of Camden, find out more about LabTech by clicking the link below. LabTech -LabTech (labsgroup.com)

In summer 2023, the play was Twelfth Night

In summer 2022, the play was Macbeth 

In summer 2021, the play was Romeo & Juliet

In spring 2019, the play was A Midsummer Night’s Dream.

In spring 2018, the play was The Winter’s Tale.

In spring 2017, the play was Julius Caesar. Click on the link below to watch Year 2’s animation of Julius Caesar…

In spring 2016, the play was Macbeth.

In spring 2015, the play was Hamlet.

In spring 2014, the play was Romeo and Juliet.

The school also works in close partnership with the Primary Shakespeare Company, with Year 6 taking part in their annual primary schools festival. For more information visit the Primary Shakespeare Company website.