Holy Trinity and S. Silas school’s SEND Information Report sets out in one place what we provide for children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) and their families, throughout their time with us. It also explains how we support them onto the next stage of their education. Our SEND policy gives more detail about our day-to-day procedures.

You can read both of these documents by clicking on the download tabs on the right of this page.

We value every child as an individual and recognise that SEND reflects a wide range of needs. We endeavour to provide a curriculum that is broad, motivating and accessible to all children. It is very important for our school that all of our children enjoy success and achievement and make
progress in their learning.

Here are some of the many ways that we support pupils with special educational needs in our school:

  • Class provision maps detailing universal, targeted and specialist support in and out of the classroom
  • One-page profiles and individual education plans where necessary
  • High quality and adaptive teaching in every classroom
  • Practical resources to support additional needs inside and outside the classroom
  • Rich opportunities for speaking, listening and drama to develop ideas, across all year groups – whole class and small group as necessary
  • Whole class and individual visual communication strategies e.g. whole class visual timetables; labelled resources; Super Listeners visuals; task planners and check lists; communication books; now/next boards
  • Workstations in every classroom to support with regulation and the development of independence
  • Every classroom has a calm corner with regulation resources
  • Access to ear defenders and sensory items as needed across the school
  • Small adult led focus groups or 1:1 teaching e.g. phonics keep up; precision teaching; attention and listening groups
  • Dedicated nurture spaces for individualised support outside of the classroom environment
  • Structured activities during playtimes, including: team games; Lego; building blocks; drawing and colouring.
  • ELSA/mentor (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant) trained staff member
  • Regular PSHE whole class teaching promoting emotional literacy and emotional regulation
  • Whole school Zones of Regulation programme to support with emotional literacy and emotional regulation. Zones of Regulation visuals board in every classroom. Click here for information about the programme. 
  • Individual and small group Zones of Regulation support to recognise and regulate their feelings. 
  • Click here for advice on how to use this approach at home. 
  • Whole school mindfulness and breathing programme, Ten Minutes Peace, to support with regulation e.g. five finger breath
  • Use of Emotion Coaching, restorative conversations and Pause Pages to support with emotional literacy, regulation and social interactions
  • Sensory Circuits/movement and regulation breaks to support children with regulation throughout the school day
  • Ramps, disabled toilet, lift and wheelchair accessibility
  • Termly Assess-Plan-Do-Review cycles (ADPR) with class teacher and SENDCO
  • Termly pupil progress meetings with class teacher, SENDCO, Deputy Head and Head teacher
  • Termly SEND parent/teacher meetings
  • Transition support at the end of each academic year: individual transition booklets with photos and visuals; joint transition meetings; special time with staff; visits to new environment; Y6 & beyond mentoring opportunities 
  • Excellent partnerships with external specialists including: Educational Psychologists; Speech and Language Therapists; Occupational Therapists; Physiotherapists; Language and Communication teachers; Behaviour/wellbeing specialists; and Children’s and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS/MHST)

If you have any questions about how we may support your child, please do not hesitate to contact their class teacher or our Assistant Head/SENDCO, Ms Arnison. 

THE CAMDEN LOCAL OFFER: Camden Local Authority also publishes on its website a Camden Local Offer, setting out a wide range of information about the specialist services, schools, colleges and organisations that can provide support and information for families of children and young people with SEND. It explains the procedures for requesting an assessment for an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP). You will also find information about:

  • where to go for advice and guidance on SEND matters
  • leisure activities for children with SEND
  • arrangements for resolving disagreements and mediation