At Holy Trinity & S. Silas, we want our pupils to develop into confident, resilient and creative mathematicians. Fluent recall of key number facts is vital, but we also encourage children to apply this knowledge creatively to solve mathematical problems, and we also challenge them to explain their reasoning.

In Reception, we follow the Mastering Number programme, designed by the National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics. This focuses in depth on the foundational knowledge that children need to secure by the end of Reception, such as a deep understanding of numbers to ten – how they can be represented and ordered, and how they are related to each other through addition and subtraction. You can find out more about Mastering Number in Reception here:

In Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2, we follow the schemes of work designed by White Rose Maths. These carefully designed schemes of learning ensure that children build up their mathematical understanding step-by-step, with frequent reminders of prior learning giving children a firm foundation on which they can build more complex mathematical thinking. Using the same schemes and workbooks throughout KS1 and KS2 ensures that children are consistently seeing and using the same diagrams and models of mathematical concepts. Our children explore mathematical ideas using physical resources and pictorial representations before finally moving to the abstract (such as written equations).

To see an overview of our maths curriculum for each year group, including videos to give you a flavour of how maths is taught, please go to the White Rose website. Click here for Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6.

To see how we represent calculations, you can look at the addition/subtraction calculation policy here and the multiplication/division calculation policy here.

If you would like some ideas of high-quality maths games, activities and challenges for children to try at home, explore the excellent Nrich website at

For additional information about our curriculum, you are welcome to come in and arrange a meeting with your child’s class teacher.  Parents of prospective pupils can arrange to speak to Mrs Goll or Mr McIntyre.