Our term dates are published on this page – please also consult with the calendar page to ensure that you are aware of upcoming INSET days that may not be signposted in the documents here.

School Day

Start of the Day The school day starts at 8.55am. Gates open at 8.40am. Children go straight into their classrooms and should aim to be in for 8.50am ready for registration time, which is from 8.55am until 9.00am.
Morning Playtime Children have a 15 minute playtime in the morning. Playtimes are split: Reception, Y1 and Y2; Y3 and Y4; Y5 and Y6.
Lunch Children in the Early Years and KS1 have lunch from 12.00pm until 1.15pm. Children in the Juniors have lunch from 12.30pm until 1.30pm.
Afternoon Playtime Children in the Early Years and KS1 have an afternoon playtime from 2.30pm until 2.45pm.
End of the Day The school day ends at 3.30pm. Children in Reception and Year 1 are collected from their classroom. Adults are asked to wait outside and the class teacher will call the child/ren once s/he has seen the responsible adult waiting for him/her. Year 2 line up in the Calm Area of the Junior playground and children wait with their class teacher until s/he has seen and acknowledged the responsible adult who is picking them up. Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 line up in specific places in the Junior playground where they can be picked up.

A typical school week therefore adds up to 32 hours 55 minutes (including breaks and lunchtimes but excluding after-school clubs).