Welcome to Year 4’s homepage!

Year 4 is an exciting year in which the children will continue to develop their independence in learning, both at home and school. We will focus on a variety of history topics across the year such as Ancient Greece, the Romans, and Shakespearean London, as well as celebrating Black History Month. Year 4 will also learn about the rivers, earthquakes, and volcanoes in geography lessons. In science, we will investigate living things and their habitats, humans, sounds, electricity and states of matter.

We will also have a big focus on times tables in Year 4!  Over the year, the children will work on improving their fluency and confidence in recalling multiplication facts up to 12 x 12.  Please help them to practise these at home on Times Tables Rock stars.

Please make sure that children are reading every day at home. Reading records will need to be brought in on Monday and Thursday so they can be checked. All records must be returned on those dates with a comment in the log books. Homework will be set on a Friday and due in the following Wednesday.

Thank you for your support with reading and learning at home.

Have a look at our class blog to see what we have been learning.

Year Four Team!

Class Teacher: Ms Bern (Monday-Tuesday) and Mrs Evans (Wednesday-Friday)
Teaching Assistant:  Ms Gashi and Ms Ghalem 







Reading folders to be brought in.

Recorders to be brought in.

Sydney the Sloth to be brought in by the Star of the Week. 

PE (chn to come to school in PE kit)

Reading folder to be brought in.

Swimming (chn to bring kit to school in a bag)

Homework to be brought in.


Reading folder to be brought in.

Homework given out.

Summer 2

Welcome back to the final term of Year 4! We are going to have such fun especially as it’s Shakespeare term! This final term, we will be looking at Julius Caesar in English. We will be writing character descriptions, poetry, newspaper articles and Roman myths. Our History topic this term is also focusing on the Shakespearean London and in particular, investigating who ruled around this time.

In Maths, the children will continue to develop our knowledge of our times tables, ready for Year 5 and begin new topics about money and time. Our science topic this term is Electricity and in RE, our topic is ‘Why is liturgy important to many Christians?’.

Summer 1

During this half term, Year 4 will be exploring ‘The Firework Maker’s Daughter’ by Philip Pullman during Destination Reader lessons and writing too. This exciting adventure story will form the backdrop of many interesting outcomes: from writing a persuasive letter to creating and describing the fire fiend’s grotto!

In Maths, the children will develop further their understanding of decimals and begin new topics about money and time. Alongside this, they will continue to develop their number recall and fluency skills, focusing on their times tables to 12.

Our science topic this term is states of matter. Through practical enquiry and observation Year 4 will develop their understanding of different states and their properties. In RE, our topic is ‘What does it mean to be a Hindu?’.

Building on the children’s enthusiasm for volcanoes from last half term, we begin our new Geography unit ‘How does the Earth shake, rattle and roll?’. Here, the children will use their enquiry skills to learn all about volcanoes and earthquakes across the world!

Spring 2

This term Year 4 will read ‘Escape from Pompeii’ by Christina Balit and use this to inspire their writing in setting descriptions, a diary entry, a newspaper report and instructions. This book links with our exciting history topic: the Romans. In history, the children will explore daily life in Roman times and learn about the mighty Roman Army. 

In maths, they will consolidate their learning of fractions. After this, Year 4 will begin to explore decimals. 

Our science topic this term is states of matter. Through practical enquiry and observation Year 4 will develop their understanding of different states and their properties. In RE, they will explore what holy communion is and how it builds a Christian community.

Spring 1

We will be exploring the story of ‘The Iron Man’ by Ted Hughes in both writing and Destination Reader.

In maths we will continue to develop our multiplication and division fluency up to 12 by 12. We will also build on our learning in fractions and decimals.

Our science topic this term is ‘How are sounds made’. Year 4 will be learning about sound vibration, pitch and volume by carrying out comparative tests, recording results and drawing conclusions. 

Our geography topic this term is ‘Rivers and the Water Cycle’. We will follow the journey of a single drop of rain water as it travels to the seas and oceans. We we also understand how water goes round and round in the water cycle. 

In PSHCE, we will be learning about emotional regulation. Over the term we will be adding to our tool kit for dealing with different emotions safely and comfortably. We will also be learning a little bit about how our amazing brains function. 

In RE, we will be exploring the world religion of Hinduism. We will be learning about how and where Hindu’s worship. We will also end the term with a visitor.

Autumn 2

Welcome to our Christmas term! Year 4 will build up to a narrative and end
up writing their own innovation story of our new book ‘The Miraculous Journey
of Edward Tulane’. In order to do this, we will focus on character and setting description
and writing diary entries in role. We will end our term with some non-fiction

In maths, we will develop our understanding of addition and subtraction,
using both mental and written methods as well as measurement/area. We end our
term by starting our multiplication unit in time for practise over the

This half term, Year 4’s geography topic is the Americas and we will be
answering the big question: How does North and South America look like in
different parts? In science, our focus is ‘Animals including Humans’. By the
end of the unit the children will be able to describe simple functions of the
digestive system and focusing on teeth and the impact of certain foods/drinks
on them.

In our RE, we will learn about how peace is important in relation to
Christmas and understand what Christmas means to Christians as well as themselves.

We will end our Christmas musical, The Box of Delights.

Autumn 1

This half term, Year 4 will write emotional letters and adventure narratives with Ancient Greek settings, inspired by The Adventures of Odysseus. We will explore how to capture our reader’s attention and choose ambitious language for effect.

In maths, we will revise our understanding of place value, building on the 3-digit numbers we worked on in Year 3 to learn about 4-digit numbers. We will represent 4-digit numbers in different ways, partition them, order and compare them. We will also practise key skills such as rounding to the nearest 10 and 100 and learn Roman Numerals. We will also develop our understanding of addition and subtraction, using both mental and written methods.

This half term, Year 4’s history topic is Ancient Greeks and we will be answering the big question: How did the Ancient Greeks shape our modern democracy? We will be using a range of sources and artefacts to build a broader picture of the Ancient Greece, its impact on Britain and continued legacy and influence today. For the last two weeks, we will be studying the legacy of the Empire Windrush as part of our Black History Month focus.

In science, our focus is ‘Living things and their habitats’.  We will be identifying and classifying a variety of living things in our local and wider environment.