Welcome to Year 3! Year 3 is a very exciting year in which the children grow their independence as Juniors.

Have a look at our class blog to see what we’ve been up to recently!

Please remember to comment in your child’s reading record at least twice a week to show that they are reading at home.

Year 3 Team

Miss Doades (Class Teacher), Miss Powley (Teaching Assistant), Miss Hall (Teaching Assistant)


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Bring in book and reading record with updated comments Homework is due Bring in book and reading record with updated comments
Reading folder to be checked and books changed Reading folder to be checked and books changed
Wear PE kits all day Wear PE kits all day Homework is given out

Summer 1

This half term year 3 will be learning about the coasts of the UK!

In Literacy we will be using the book ‘Flotsam’ by David Wiesner. It is a brilliant picture book with no words all about a young boy’s discovery of a magical underwater camera! We will use the book to write our own fantasy stories. We will also practice our persuasive writing by writing brochures to visit different seaside towns in the UK.

In Maths we will continue our work on fractions. We will then move on to measuring and telling the time. We will also practice drawing angles as well as perpendicular and parallel lines.

In Geography we will be learning all about different coasts.

In Science we will finish our work on animals, nutrition, skeletons and muscles!

In R.E. we will consider the question ‘What did the Buddha teach his followers about life?’ .

In PSHE we will discuss the meaning of different caring and respectful relationships.

In Computing we will explore online simulations, creating graphs and making presentations.

Spring 2

This half term, in Literacy, we will explore the book ‘Cinderella of the Nile’. We will use the book as inspiration to write our own narratives based on a traditional tale. We will also use ‘The Story of Tutankhanmun’ to write poetry and newspaper reports.

These books will link in with our History topic all about Ancient Egypt.

In Maths, we will be exploring length using millimeters, centimeters, and meters. We will also practice finding the perimeter of different areas. We will then move on to learn about fractions.

In Science we will begin learning about animals, nutrition, skeletons and muscles!

In R.E. we will explore our key question ‘Who is the most important person in the Easter story?’

In PSHE we will continue our work on the Zones of Regulations as well as begin to understand our right as a child.

Spring 1

This half term, in writing, we will be exploring fables. We will explore a variety of different fables and discuss what the moral of the story might be. We will use the story ‘Quill Soup’ as inspiration for our own stories.

In Maths, this term, we will continue learning about multiplication and division. We will develop our strategies for both operations and begin using more formal written methods, like column multiplication.

In Geography, we will continue our learning about the Earth using different atlases, maps and globes. Our key learning will include exploring the equator, northern and southern hemispheres, latitude and longitude.

In Science we will begin learning about forces and magnets. We will explore forces as a push or a pull, friction as well as non-contact forces like magnets.

In R.E. we be learning about Judaism. We will explore the question ‘What does it mean to be Jewish?’

In PSHE we will be introducing the Zones of Regulation for the children. This will involve discussing our different feelings as well as tools to help us when feel a certain way.

And in Computing we will begin to practice our typing skills using the school laptops!

Autumn 2

This half term, in Literacy, we will be looking at two more books, ‘Lila and the Secret of Rain’ and the collection of poems ‘The Sun is Laughing’. We will practice writing our own stories and poetry based on both of these texts.

In Geography we will be learning all about the climate and weather of our planet. We will look closely at the different climate zones and consider how it is now changing. Using this knowledge we will then write our own information texts to inform others about the climate.

In Maths this term, we will continue our work on addition and subtraction with numbers up to 1000. We will be particularly focusing on learning the column method to do this. We will then move on to multiplication and division and applying our knowledge of the 3, 4 and 8 times table.

In Science, we will be studying Light. We will consider how we need light to see and how light is reflected off all objects. We will explore different materials, particularly mirrors and also investigate the clarity and size of different shadows.

In R.E. we will be learning about Christianity. The children will discuss the meaning of wisdom. They will also consider what the Advent and Epiphany show us about Christmas.

In PSHE we will spend time developing our awareness of bullying during Anti-Bullying week. We will also explore ways of resolving conflict.

In Computing we will continue our work on coding different programs as well as practice using spreadsheets to input and process data.

Autumn 1 

We kick off the school year by exploring the Stone Age to the Iron Age! We will be learning about different aspects of life from different time periods that span 10,000 years.

In literacy, we will be looking at the ‘The Bear and the Piano’ by David Litchfield and ‘In Our Hands’ by Lucy Farfort. We will plan and write narratives, news reports and a biography.

In October our topic focus will shift to Black History Month.  In the final fortnight before the half-term break, we will be learning about Mary Jackson, NASA’s first African American female engineer, and we will be considering the question ‘What is great about living in a multicultural society?’

In Maths, we will revise what we learnt in KS1 about place value and build on this with 3-digit numbers. We will learn how to represent 3-digit numbers in many different ways, and how to partition, order and compare them. We will also practice our mental and written skills in rounding, addition and subtraction with up to 3-digit numbers.

In Science, we will be focusing on rocks and soils. We will be learning about different types of rocks and comparing their properties. We will also be learning about the formation of fossils and how soil is formed.

In RE, we will be learning all about the key stories in Buddhism. The children will reflect on key beliefs and how we can learn from these values.

In PSHE we will be learning about how to keep ourselves healthy.