Children must be taught how to think, not what to think.

Margaret Mead

We have ended the term with a spring in our step thanks to the wonderful performances of Macbeth that thrilled us all over the last two weeks. We hope that you are able to enjoy some family time over the Easter break and very much look forward to welcoming you back on Tuesday 19th April from 8.40am.

Brass Concert

This week it was great to welcome a live audience once again to appreciate the musical talents of Years 4, 5 and 6 in their spring term brass concert. The children performed wonderfully, and also did a great job introducing each piece in an entertaining way! Our thanks go to Mr Ashby, Mr Tong and Mr Jones for their hard work leading music lessons each week, and to parents and carers as always for their support.

Mental Health and Wellbeing workshops

Next term, we are holding three Mental Health and wellbeing workshops in school for parents – see dates below. The workshops will be run by Naila Hirani from Camden Learning and will take place in the art room from 9-10.15am. The workshops will cover children’s mental health and wellbeing; parent/carer mental health and wellbeing; and child stress and anxiety. Please see attached flier for further information.

Workshops are limited to 20 places each, so please book via this Doodle poll page so as to avoid disappointment:

  • Supporting your child’s MH and wellbeing – Thursday 5th May
  • Supporting parent/carer wellbeing – Thursday 26th May
  • Supporting children with stress/anxiety – Thursday 16th June

Wellbeing Tip of the Week: Prioritising Self-Care

Self-care looks different to everyone, and sometimes it’s difficult to know what self-care techniques work best for us. However, if we don’t give ourselves time to relax and rejuvenate, we may feel overwhelmed and exhausted. This could lead to burnout with work or school, feeling low and unmotivated and difficulties with our relationships. Here are some tips to help us make sure we don’t prioritise other things over self-care:

  • Plan in your self-care activities to your weekly schedule, calendar or diary and announce your plans to increase commitment;
  • Don’t allow yourself to feel guilty or selfish for taking the time to do something for yourself;
  • Remember that we won’t be able to help or support others if we haven’t looked after ourselves.

Ukraine Fundraising

As we keep the people of Ukraine in our prayers, several of our school community have continued to raise funds to donate towards the DEC Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal, such as making and selling beautiful homemade jewellery! Well done again to everyone who donated to our fundraiser earlier this term.

Christian Value – Forgiveness

The Easter festival is a special time for Christians to think about the wrong things they’ve done and to ask God to forgive them. Easter is when Christians remember that Jesus died as a punishment for the wrong things people have done. It’s a time to be honest about what we’re really like and to ask God to forgive us. The Bible says it’s important for Christians to be honest and admit to God the wrong things they’ve done, and not pretend that they’re perfect.

Everyone does things wrong, but often we don’t want to admit it. We know that other people do things wrong, but we often don’t want to see faults in ourselves. Sometimes we don’t seem to know ourselves very well.

It is important that we stop and reflect on things we have done which we may need to say sorry for. If we are honest with ourselves, we are more likely to have strong and loving relationships with others as well as with God.

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.

1 John 1:9

Attendance and Punctuality

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Our attendance this week was 94.4%.

Attendance Bears are awarded to:

KS1: Y2 95% KS2: Y3 at 95.8%

Early Birds are awarded to: KS1: Y2 KS2: Y3

Coach Steve’s Easter Multi-Activity Camps

Our very own Coach Steve will be running multi-activity camps during the Easter holiday. For more information, see the leaflet below, or email

Camden Music Services

From Y1 onwards, you can sign your child up to learn an instrument in school. For more information and to download the Camden Music Service application form, please click here.

Girls Football Development Class (with Coach Steve)

Where: Fleet Primary School, Agincourt Rd, NW3 2QT

When: Every Tuesday  Time: 5.30-6.30pm  Age: 6-10 year olds (Year 2 to Year 5)

Cost: First class is FREE (£6 per class thereafter)

For more info, please email Coach Steve –

Term dates for 2021 – 2022

First day of autumn term Friday 3rd September
Half termMonday 25th – Friday 29th October
Last day of autumn term Friday 17th December
First day of spring termWednesday 5th January 2022
Half termMonday 14th – Friday 18th February
Last day of spring termFriday 1st April 1.30pm
First day of summer termTuesday 19th April
Half termMonday 30th May – Friday 3rd June
Last day of summer termWednesday 20th July 1.30pm