Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier. 

Mother Teresa

The children started opening their Advent calendars in class this Wednesday. Each day they open a new act of kindness for the day. To ensure that children understand the importance of kind actions, we will include the weekend tasks in the newsletter.

4th Dec – Have a conversation with someone new today

5th Dec – Make a ‘thank you’ card for somebody who won’t expect it

The gratitude and good feeling our school spread on Mitzvah Day continues to be felt in our local community! This week Mr Kinnear from the Salvation Army visited our school to collect the toiletries and survival blankets that we were able to buy with the proceeds from the Year 5 and 6 cake sales. They are very much appreciated and will be well used to support homeless people throughout the winter.  Many thanks again for your generosity and baking skills!​

Performances next week

  • Infant nativity performances – Monday 6th Dec – 10am & 2pm
  • Key Stage 2 performances of Rhinopera – Wednesday 8th Dec – 10am, 2pm & 6pm

A reminder that we request parents attending performances to complete the following:

  • Take a lateral flow test before coming to the performance
  • Keep your distance from others as much as possible when waiting outside
  • Wear a mask on entry to the hall and throughout the performances
  • Show proof of exemption to the adult on the door if you are not wearing a mask

Friday 10th December: Christmas Fair – 3pm to 5pm, school Christmas lunch & Christmas jumper day

We are looking forward to next Friday’s festivities. Please remember to come to school in your Christmas jumpers and to bring a £1 donation.

If you are normally on a packed lunch, you do not need to bring it on this day. Should your child wish to not have their Christmas lunch, please message l.stenmark@holytrinitynw1.camden.sch.uk by Thursday 9 December, and we will cancel it for you. We will be ordering a Christmas lunch for all children, unless you have let us know otherwise.

The Christmas fair will begin at the end of school. Children will need to bring an adult chaperone and loose change. Parents, please be aware that Hawley road will be closed on the day of the fair, as this might affect your access to the school.


Keep selling the raffle tickets… here is a list of our fantastic prizes this year.

Additional raffle tickets will be on sale outside of school next week at the start and end of the day.

The class that raises the most will have a non-uniform day on 13 December.

Wellbeing Tip of the Week: Body Scan (Part 2)

Following on from last week’s Wellbeing Tip of the Week, here are some instructions for how to do a Body Scan. You can try it at bed time, as a technique to help you sleep, or any point in the day to help clear your mind or manage difficult feelings.

  • Start by trying to clear your mind by taking a few deep breaths
  • Either lying down on your back, or sitting in a chair with your back resting on the back of the chair and with your feet flat on the floor, start at the bottom of your body and work your way up:
  1. Curl your toes up as tight as you can and as you do this, take a deep breath in through your nose, hold it there for as long as you can (aim for at least 5 seconds).
  2. Release your breath through your mouth and release your toes at the same time, this exhale should be longer than the inhale (aim for at least 7 seconds). This may seem hard at first, but you can build up to it.
  3. Then, repeat this process but by engaging different muscles within the body.
  4. Next move on to your right calf, squeeze it to create tension in the muscle, inhale through your nose and then exhale when you release the tension.
  5. Move on to your left calf and repeat.
  6. Then move on to your right thigh and then the left, repeating the breathing technique.
  7. Raise both of your shoulders up to your ears, whilst continuing to breathe deeply.
  8. Finally, clench your fists together, again taking a final deep breath in and then release the breath and your fingers at the same time.

You can repeat these steps until you fall asleep or as a way to practise being mindful.

Musical Performances

Our talented KS2 class bands have been working hard all term, and we are delighted once again to share videos of their performances via the music page on our school website. We have shared the passwords with parents of each class. We hope you enjoy the children’s recorder, trumpet and trombone playing skills, and also their hilarious Christmas jokes as they introduce each piece!

Sporting News

On Tuesday this week our footballers played a league match against Brookfield.  Our girls drew 1-1 and our boys lost 4-0, but more importantly all the children were superb ambassadors for our school, showing excellent sportsmanship as well as care, courage and cooperation in abundance.  Particular congratulations are due to Freya for scoring her first goal, and to George and Oscar, who played with outstanding determination.  It was also lovely to catch up with some older siblings who are ex-pupils – thanks for your support!  We look forward to our final two league matches on Tuesday 14th December.

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A huge congratulations to our Year 4 benchballers on their amazing success earlier this week. The children were split into two teams (A + B) and had to play a total of 5 games against other Camden primary schools. Our A team won four, drew one and scored a total of 18 points, whilst the B team won all five games and scored a total of 20 points. Both teams went on to play against Gospel Oak in the finals and managed to win 13-12 and 12-10. The children played extremely well together and showed lots of care, courage and cooperation throughout. We are very proud of each and everyone one of them!

Coach Steve’s December Multi Activity Camp 

Date: Monday 20th – Wednesday 22nd December 

Venue: Eleanor Palmer Primary School, Lupton St, NW5 2JA

Time: 9:00am-3:00pm  Age: 5-11 (Reception to Yr 6)

To book your child’s place, please contact Coach Steve: Prorevolution.development@gmail.com

Attendance and Punctuality

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Whole school attendance has been 94% this week, which is still a bit low compared to our usual levels. We continue to be affected by various illnesses, including COVID related.

Attendance Bears are awarded to:

KS1: Y2 at 95.3% KS2: Y4 at 95.5%

Early Birds are awarded to:

KS1: Reception KS2: Y5

Christian Values – Wisdom

Building something that lasts is not a process of guesswork but of careful planning. If you want to build a resilient and successful life it doesn’t just happen. We are all in a process of growth in our lives: in order to ride the many challenges, we must attend to enabling the foundations to be steadfast. Applying wisdom to your life will enable a blessed life and will give you what it takes to keep going through difficult times.

People sometimes ignore wisdom because either they don’t want to hear it or they don’t recognise it when they do. Wisdom has to be sown into your life before it can produce fruit. One of the first indicators of wisdom is your words. What is inside you will come out, so take time to ensure that the words you share are caring and co-operative, even if the message is a hard one.

Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.

Colossians 4: 5-6

Camden Music Services

From Y1 onwards, you can sign your child up to learn an instrument in school. For more information and to download the Camden Music Service application form, please click here.

Girls Football Development Class (with Coach Steve)

Where: Fleet Primary School, Agincourt Rd, NW3 2QT

When: Every Tuesday  Time: 5.30-6.30pm  Age: 6-10 year olds (Year 2 to Year 5)

Cost: First class is FREE (£6 per class thereafter)

For more info, please email Coach Steve – prorevolution.development@gmail.com

Mental Health Support Team (MHST) Webinar Series for Parents/Carers of Primary and Secondary School aged Young People

The MHST are pleased to offer parents/carers a series of workshops to support their children’s wellbeing.

Webinars that are for both Parents/Carers of Primary and Secondary aged children and young people

  • Why Early Intervention Matters: Introducing the MHST
  • All about sleep
  • Therapeutic conversations with your child and young person
  • Screen Time

Webinars for Parents/Carers of Primary aged children

  • Parent-child interactions
  • Managing child worries

Each workshop will last up to 60 minutes and have an optional follow-up of 30 minutes for parents/carers to ask questions or discuss the topic further.

Parents and carers can register for any webinars through Eventbrite by clicking here.

The scheduled topics, dates and times are:

Webinar topicIntended Parent AudienceDateTime
Understanding Adolescent Development    SecondaryFriday 10th December 2021  12.00 to 13:00 Q and A 13:00 to 13.30
Parent-child interactions  PrimaryThursday 20th January 202212.00 to 13:00 Q and A 13:00 to 13.30
Managing child worries  PrimaryThursday 27th January 202212.00 to 13:00 Q and A 13:00 to 13.30
Supporting your Young Person with Anxiety   SecondaryThursday 3rd February 202212.00 to 13:00 Q and A 13:00 to 13.30
Understanding Adolescent Development  SecondaryThursday 10th February 202212.00 to 13:00 Q and A 13:00 to 13.30
Therapeutic conversations with your Child and Young Person.Primary & SecondaryThursday 24th February 202212.00 to 13:00 Q and A 13:00 to 13.30
Screen TimePrimary & SecondaryThursday 3rd March 202212.00 to 13:00 Q and A 13:00 to 13.30
All about sleepPrimary & SecondaryThursday 10th March 202212.00 to 13:00 Q and A 13:00 to 13.30

Term dates for 2021 – 2022

First day of autumn term Friday 3rd September
Half termMonday 25th – Friday 29th October
Last day of autumn term Friday 17th December
First day of spring termWednesday 5th January 2022
Half termMonday 14th – Friday 18th February
Last day of spring termFriday 1st April
First day of summer termTuesday 19th April
Half termMonday 30th May – Friday 3rd June
Last day of summer termWednesday 20th July