When spiderwebs unite, they can tie up a lion.

Ethiopian proverb

We were delighted this week to welcome Tim Yealland and Rachel Leach into school to begin work with KS2 classes on our very exciting opera project. It is our intention to share live performances with parents on Wednesday 8th December so what this space for further details!

The teachers enjoyed meeting with parents this week to discuss their wonderful children. While these are more formally planned meetings, please do remember that we are always here if parents/carers have any concerns or queries at any time during the term.

The children enjoyed learning about the Hindu festival of Diwali this week. We would like to wish our families that are celebrating, a Diwali that brings happiness, prosperity and joy!

PiP Save the Date – Christmas Fair on Friday 10th December

Anti-Bullying Week – 15th November-19th November 2021
This year, Holy Trinity is taking part in Anti-Bullying Week by focusing on daily activities to provide moments of hope and kindness to the children at our school as well as focusing on an anti-bullying PSHCE lesson.
It all starts with Odd Socks day on Monday 15th November! Children can come to school in odd socks and instead of bringing money children will bring a kind word which they have written at home to pin onto our ‘One Kind Word’ notice board in the downstairs hall. 
Mitzvah Day – 19th November 2021
Holy Trinity and St Silas will be taking part in Mitzvah Day for the third time after the last few years of great success!  In our school, this will mean group service projects in each class.  (Please look out for a letter from your class teacher about your child’s service project).
As a school, another focus is to do these projects as sustainably as possible. Therefore, to symbolise this, children can come to school wearing green (if they wish) to celebrate Mitzvah Day. If they are wearing green, children do not need to wear school uniform. Instead of bringing money in, we will be asking for donations (non-perishable) to a local food bank. Please can children bring in canned goods, pasta etc. to donate.  

Wellbeing Tip of the Week: Focus on the effort not the outcome

It can be very upsetting when we don’t perform well at something. It can make us feel like a failure and stop us from wanting to try, because what’s the point of trying if we’re just going to fail? But we’ll never achieve anything with that way of thinking. So, how do we overcome that? If we stop focusing on the outcome and care more about working hard and putting in the effort, this teaches us to persevere, it enables us to develop new skills, helps us to feel more in control and in the end we achieve better results. When you focus on the effort made, it helps you to become more resilient to change or to things turning out a different way than you’d hoped. You can then concentrate on what you can do differently next time to get closer to what you wanted rather than being consumed by disappointment and giving up.

Mental Health Support Team (MHST) Webinar Series for Parents/Carers of Primary and Secondary School aged Young People

The MHST are pleased to offer parents/carers a series of workshops to support their children’s wellbeing.

Webinars that are for both Parents/Carers of Primary and Secondary aged children and young people

  • Why Early Intervention Matters: Introducing the MHST
  • All about sleep
  • Therapeutic conversations with your child and young person
  • Screen Time

Webinars for Parents/Carers of Primary aged children

  • Parent-child interactions
  • Managing child worries

Webinars for Parents/Carers of Secondary aged Young People

  • Supporting your Anxious Young Person
  • Understanding Adolescent Development

Each workshop will last up to 60 minutes and have an optional follow-up of 30 minutes for parents/carers to ask questions or discuss the topic further.

Parents and carers can register for any webinars through Eventbrite by clicking here.

The scheduled topics, dates and times are:

Webinar topicIntended Parent AudienceDateTime
Why Early intervention matter: Introducing the MHSTPrimary & SecondaryFriday 12th November 202112.00 to 13:00 Q and A 13:00 to 13.30
Parent-child interactions  PrimaryFriday 19th November 202112.00 to 13:00 Q and A 13:00 to 13.30
Managing child worries  PrimaryFriday 26th November 202112.00 to 13:00 Q and A 13:00 to 13.30
Supporting your Young Person with Anxiety  SecondaryFriday 3rd December 202112.00 to 13:00 Q and A 13:00 to 13.30
Understanding Adolescent Development    SecondaryFriday 10th December 2021  12.00 to 13:00 Q and A 13:00 to 13.30
Parent-child interactions  PrimaryThursday 20th January 202212.00 to 13:00 Q and A 13:00 to 13.30
Managing child worries  PrimaryThursday 27th January 202212.00 to 13:00 Q and A 13:00 to 13.30
Supporting your Young Person with Anxiety   SecondaryThursday 3rd February 202212.00 to 13:00 Q and A 13:00 to 13.30
Understanding Adolescent Development  SecondaryThursday 10th February 202212.00 to 13:00 Q and A 13:00 to 13.30
Therapeutic conversations with your Child and Young Person.Primary & SecondaryThursday 24th February 202212.00 to 13:00 Q and A 13:00 to 13.30
Screen TimePrimary & SecondaryThursday 3rd March 202212.00 to 13:00 Q and A 13:00 to 13.30
All about sleepPrimary & SecondaryThursday 10th March 202212.00 to 13:00 Q and A 13:00 to 13.30


On the last day of term we hosted a range of activities for the school’s ECO DAY. Parents, staff and pupils were encouraged to bring any faulty bikes in for repair. Dr. Bike engaged with the children and collected their viewpoints on sustainable travel. Y4 learned about food waste and how to prevent it. Cool World Consulting led a workshop with Y5 and Y6 about reducing pollution and the importance of clean air.

Attendance and Punctuality

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Whole school attendance this week was 96.4% which sees an improvement from last half term which we hope continues.

Attendance Bears are awarded to:

KS1: Y2 at 98% KS2: Y6 at 98.9%

Early Birds are awarded to:

KS1: Y2 KS2: Y3 & Y4

Christian Values – Wisdom

Wisdom isn’t about what you know but about what you do with what you know – the application of your knowledge. Being wise doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with age or intellect. Although it is a gift, it is a virtue that needs to be nurtured. This half term we ask families to join us in focusing on wisdom in our acts and in our words, in order for our children to understand its true value.

Wisdom is shown to be right by what it does.

Matthew 11:19

Camden Music Services

From Y1 onwards, you can sign your child up to learn an instrument in school. For more information and to download the Camden Music Service application form, please click here.

Girls Football Development Class (with Coach Steve)

Where: Fleet Primary School, Agincourt Rd, NW3 2QT

When: Every Tuesday 

Time: 5.30-6.30pm 

Age: 6-10 year olds (Year 2 to Year 5)

Cost: First class is FREE (£6 per class thereafter)

For more info, please email Coach Steve – prorevolution.development@gmail.com

Term dates for 2021 – 2022

First day of autumn term Friday 3rd September
Half termMonday 25th – Friday 29th October
Last day of autumn term Friday 17th December
First day of spring termWednesday 5th January 2022
Half termMonday 14th – Friday 18th February
Last day of spring termFriday 1st April
First day of summer termTuesday 19th April
Half termMonday 30th May – Friday 3rd June
Last day of summer termWednesday 20th July