I found I could say things with colour and shapes that I couldn’t say any other way – things I had no words for.

Georgia O’Keefe

Art Bytes Award

We are delighted to announce that Cali, Clara and Maya O from Year 5 were selected as our school winners in this year’s Art Bytes competition, with Cali winning the audience vote overall! The three girls will have their artwork exhibited at a special event at the Chisenhale Gallery on 13th June, with the chance to go forward to win one of the regional or national prizes. Find out more and see our school gallery at: https://artbytes.co.uk/browse-schools/. Below are the three winning works of art.

Sporting News

On Tuesday of this week, a total of 24 pupils from Y3 and Y4 participated in an exciting athletics competition. Each child enthusiastically competed in four different events: the 50-metre sprint, 400-metre run, long jump and vortex throw. It was a day filled with energy and determination, and the children truly shone.
We are delighted to share that our team performed exceptionally well, securing an impressive 4th place out of 12 schools within the borough. This achievement is a testament to the hard work and dedication of each and every pupil who participated.
I would like to extend a special mention to two outstanding individuals, Issa and Freya, for their remarkable effort, sportsmanship and cooperation throughout the competition. Their exemplary behaviour and positive attitude served as an inspiration to their teammates and reflect the values we strive to instil in our pupils.
We are incredibly proud of all the pupils who took part in this competition. Their commitment, teamwork, and perseverance were truly commendable. It is moments like these that remind us of the immense talent and potential within our school community. Congratulations to everyone involved!
Photos to follow next week….

key dates for your diaries:

  • Summer Fair: Friday 28th June – after school
  • Julius Caesar performances: Infants: Monday 15th July 2.30pm and Tuesday 16th July 10.00am Y3 & Y4: Tuesday 16th at 2:30pm and Thursday 18th July 10.00am Y5 & Y6: Thursday 18th July 2.30pm and 6.00pm
  • Sports Day: Friday 19th July at Parliament Hill Sports Field

School photos

The school photos are in children’s bags, with the eldest sibling, and they are absolutely delightful! Please note that the deadline for orders is Friday 14th June.

Christian Vision

And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, by encouraging one another.

This week we thought about Peter, one of Jesus’ disciples that we hear a lot about in the bible. When we see images or statues of Peter he is always seen holding keys, which are actually the keys to heaven. They are also a sign that Jesus appointed Peter as a special leader who would lead many people to God. The keys also remind us that Jesus gave Peter the crucial job of building his Church and teaching people all over the world about God. He was given the task of ‘opening the door’ to God, so that people could start to follow Jesus.

The special thing about Peter is that he often got things wrong and made mistakes. It is however important to notice that these mistakes didn’t make Jesus think that Peter was unsuitable for such an important role. Instead, they actually helped Peter to learn how to be a better person. It reminds us that we all make mistakes but that we need to use these situations to learn and to move forward.

Let the wise hear and increase in learning, and the one who understands obtain guidance.

Proverb 1:5

Our LabTech Sponsors

We are delighted to have a new partner onboard this year: LabTech. Through their Community Grants Programme, LabTech support a wide range of local initiatives to improve our neighbourhood and enhance Camden residents’ quality of life. LabTech’s funding is helping to financially support the 2024 Shakespeare Project, Julius Caesar. LabTech is a local organisation in the heart of Camden Market; find out more about LabTech by clicking the link below. 

Class Collective Worship

Friday 14th June Y6
Friday 21st June   Y1
Friday 28th June Reception

Attendance and Punctuality

We started this half term with an attendance of 96.5%. There is lots of learning and preparation for performances so we continue to expect strong attendance throughout summer term.

Attendance Bears

Infants: Y2 with 98% Juniors: Y5 with 99%

Early Birds

Infants: Y1 Juniors: Y5

Camden Moving on to Secondary School Event – 13 June 2024 (Philip McCorkell, Philip.McCorkell@camden.gov.uk)

Parents of children in current primary school Years 4 and 5 can join our Camden Moving On event at the Francis Crick Institute, in King’s Cross on Thursday 13th June, from 4.15pm to 6.45pm. The event is an opportunity for parents whose children will be starting secondary school in September 2025 or September 2026 to:

  • receive advice on how to apply for a Year 7 place from the Camden Admissions Team;
  • find out more about what Camden secondary schools have to offer their child;
  • speak with headteachers, student ambassadors and staff from Camden secondary schools.

Parents should register for this event online. We’ve also produced the this flyer, which includes a QR code that takes you to the Eventbrite booking page when you scan it. Printed copies are being sent to all primary schools for Year 4 and 5 pupils to take home to their parents. This is a timed ticket event, so parents should please make sure that they arrive for the time slot they booked. The event is aimed at adults, rather than children. Any children attending are the sole responsibility of their parents.

Free Counselling Service for Parents

Place2Be is a children’s mental health charity with many years of experience working with UK schools to improve children’s wellbeing and behaviour. The charity also supports parents and families and has a wealth of practical tips and advice on many areas of parenting, all of which can be accessed online, including: dealing with changes and endings; building resilience; separation anxiety; de-escalation techniques; positive body image; friendship issues; perfectionism; sleep; gaming habits; and many more. Click on the link here to access and explore the support

We highly recommend the free counselling service for parents through Camden. You can find out more and register your interest via this leaflet.

New Emotional Wellbeing Website for Young People and Families

A new NHS website, packed with emotional wellbeing and mental health information and resources, has been launched to help young people and families, as well as professionals working with them, to navigate support options.

NCL Waiting Room was produced with the help and input of young people, families and professionals. It aims to be a ‘one-stop shop’ for information on specialist mental health services, community groups, emotional wellbeing and self-care resources.

It allows young people and their parents or carers to search for, filter and share resources based on their needs and preferences.

NCL Waiting Room will continue to grow and develop, so watch this space for more details. You can visit the website here and try out the Support Hub resource navigation feature here.

If you have any feedback on the website, you can do this on the relevant pages of the site, or email rtown@tavi-port.nhs.uk

The Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment

This is an incredible music night run by the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment. All sorts of different acts plus wood-fired pizza etc. It’s in a fortnight: https://oae.co.uk/event/live-at-the-hex-4/

Camden Music Service

From Y1 onwards, you can sign your child up to learn an instrument in school. For more information and to download the Camden Music Service application form, please click here.

Other Community Initiatives

Camden Library Activities
We highly recommend these. Click here for the catalogue.

Term dates for 2023 – 2024

First day of autumn term Wednesday 6th September
Half termMonday 23rd – Friday 27th October
INSET DAYMonday 30th October
Last day of autumn term Friday 22nd December
INSET DAYMonday 8th January 2024
First day of spring termTuesday 9th January
Half termMonday 12th – Friday 16th February
Last day of spring termThursday 28th March
First day of summer termMonday 15th April
Half termMonday 29th May – Friday 2nd June
INSET DAYMonday 3rd June
Last day of summer termWednesday 24th July