You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.

Malala Yousafzai

Parents and carers may not have seen me around this week. Sadly I have been off due to a family bereavement but I look forward to seeing you a bit more over the remainder of this term. I very much look forward to the Christmas shows next week where the children will warm our hearts with their super performances.

Parking at drop off/pick up

I would like to ask parents who drop off or pick up by car to be mindful of the following:

  • The place they stop – please ensure this is not outside the school on Hartland Road (as indicated by the yellow zig-zags);
  • Showing care to our local residents – please do not block the other side of Hartland Road;
  • Switching of engines – I’m afraid that it is actually illegal to leave your engine running and of course pollutes the air right outside the school.

We teach our children that care, courage and co-operation is something that is not only learnt in school. We very much hope and appreciate that parents support us in developing these essential life character traits outside school in their actions and words.


A reminder that after-school clubs finish next week, the last day being Monday 11th December due to the inset day in October. Sign up for the spring term will be on Thursday 14th December at 6pm. Here is the link to the Parent Club Letter Spring 2024. Breakfast Club, however, continues right until the end of term and starts again from the beginning of next term.

Christmas Fair – Friday 15th December – 3.30pm

Raffle tickets have gone home in children’s bags today.

Please look out for communication from your PiP reps for any requests for further donations or support – thank you to everyone for your hard work!

Key dates this term

  • Tues 12th Dec 10am & 2pm – Infant Nativity performance
  • Weds 13th Dec – 2pm & 6pm – Junior performance
  • Thurs 14th December – 9.30am  – Junior performance
  • Fri 15th December – Christmas Fair, Christmas Jumper Day and Christmas Lunch

Christian Vision

And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, by encouraging one another.

Hebrews 10:24-25

Joseph, the son of Jacob, was sold by his brothers to slave traders. He was then sold to a master in Egypt who sent him to prison for a crime he didn’t commit. But because of it, he had the opportunity to interpret the Pharaoh’s dream. Joseph told the king that his dream was a premonition that Egypt would have seven years of abundance followed by seven years of severe famine. With this, he suggested to the king to keep some of the harvests so when the famine came, Egypt would not starve. Heeding his proposal, the king appointed Joseph governor of all Egypt – second only to him. And so Egypt was saved from the famine that struck most of the surrounding lands.

One day, his brothers who sold him came to Egypt desperate for food as their land had been hit by the famine too. They did not recognise Joseph at first since he was quite young when they sold him but Joseph recognised his brothers immediately. Despite what they did to him, Joseph helped them. He gave them food and even let them bring their families to Egypt to escape the famine in their homeland.

Joseph’s story is a powerful example of forgiveness and love. After everything that he went through because of them, he could have refused to help his brothers. Instead, he helped them because he knew they’d starve if he didn’t. Joseph’s good deed was spurred on by God’s will to do what is right. We must always help those in need and must keep in our minds what might happen if we do not.

And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.

Galatians 6:9

Sporting News

The Year 5 and 6 boys’ and girls’ football teams showcased their exceptional skills and determination in a thrilling match against Kentish Town earlier this week. Both teams emerged victorious, with the girls securing a convincing 3-0 win and the boys dominating the field with a remarkable 7-2 victory. The players’ outstanding performances and teamwork were commendable, making it an unforgettable match for everyone involved.

Among the girls, special recognition goes to Asinat and Kimberly, whose exceptional striking skills contributed significantly to the team’s success. For the boys, Jack’s exceptional goal-scoring abilities and strategic plays greatly contributed to the team’s remarkable success.

With their recent victories fueling their confidence, the Year 5 and 6 football teams are eagerly preparing for their next challenge. They will face off against Eleanor Palmer in an exciting fixture scheduled for Tuesday 19th December. 


Ms Periton has registered our school to take part in the Royal Academy Young Artists Summer Show! The standard for this annual competition is VERY high, but pupils from HTSS have been selected before. If your child has made an artwork they are proud of, we can submit it on their behalf. ONE artwork per child only. The submission period runs from JAN – MARCH 2024, so we have plenty of time. Perhaps you can get creative over the holidays? From January, please bring the NAMED ARTWORK to school for Ms Periton to photograph, along with A SHORT PIECE OF WRITING explaining what you have made and why. To find out more and see examples of work from previous years:

Class Assemblies – Fridays at 2.55pm in the Church Hall

Friday 15th DecemberAwards Assembly

Attendance and Punctuality

Our attendance this week was 96%. Let’s all dig deep to keep ourselves going for the remaining two weeks of term!

Attendance Bears

Infants: Y1 with 98% Juniors: Y4 with 97.4%

Early Birds

Infants: Y1 Juniors: Year 6

Coach Steve’s ‘Match Play Only’ football class.

Age: Year 2 to Year 6

Book a free taster via email –

Free Counselling Service for Parents

We highly recommend the free counselling service for parents through Camden. You can find out more and register your interest via this leaflet.

Camden Music Service

From Y1 onwards, you can sign your child up to learn an instrument in school. For more information and to download the Camden Music Service application form, please click here.

Other Community Initiatives

Camden Library Activities
We highly recommend these. Click here for the catalogue.

Term dates for 2023 – 2024

First day of autumn term Wednesday 6th September
Half termMonday 23rd – Friday 27th October
INSET DAYMonday 30th October
Last day of autumn term Friday 22nd December
INSET DAYMonday 8th January 2024
First day of spring termTuesday 9th January
Half termMonday 12th – Friday 16th February
Last day of spring termThursday 28th March
First day of summer termMonday 15th April
Half termMonday 29th May – Friday 2nd June
INSET DAYMonday 3rd June
Last day of summer termWednesday 24th July