Becoming is better than being.

Carol S. Dweck

It has been a super half term in which the children have continued to shine! The children ended the week dressing to express themselves and being who they want to be. (Thank you for your donations, which all go to Place2Be, a charity that does vital work supporting children’s mental health.) It was a fun end to Children’s Mental Health Week, in which we also enjoyed activities including Ten Minutes’ Peace class sessions, mental health workshops run by the Lily Jo Project and Hero Buddies meetings.

We are grateful to everyone who donated to (and bought from!) the Valentines-themed bake sale fundraiser this week, organised by our tireless and generous Parents in Partnership group.

Parents evenings – please ensure that you have signed up for a meeting with your child’s teacher and have made a note of the date and time. The deadline to sign up for these meetings is Monday 20th February. We will be sending you a copy of the schedule prior to the meetings. Any questions, please contact

We hope you have a restful half-term break and we look forward to welcoming the children back on Monday 20th February.

Wellbeing Tip of the Week – Be Creative

Creativity is hugely beneficial to our mental health and wellbeing. From painting to potting plants, planning parties and beyond, creative activities help us perceive the world in new and different ways. It helps us become more mindful and relaxed, and allows us to feel more positive while also cultivating a sense of accomplishment.

Draw or Paint – There is a lot of healing power in making art. Activities like drawing and painting can relieve stress and symptoms of feeling low.

Sing or Play Music – Music is bonding. When we harmonize or sync with others musically, we develop positive feelings towards them. Music directly impacts our ability to trust and socially connect to others and is a great way to enhance creativity and express ourselves.

Dance or Move Your Body – Dancing relieves anxiety and improves our quality of life, while getting us moving.

Write or Tell Stories – Exploring imagination and creativity through storytelling and writing allows us to express ourselves, problem solve, communicate with others, develop self-confidence, and discover things that make us feel happy and fulfilled.

Spend Time in Nature – Nature affects creativity by way of immersion into natural settings. Disconnecting from technological devices and going out into nature has shown to hugely increase performance in creativity and problem-solving.

Christian Value of Endurance

In our final reflection on the development of endurance, we must consider the importance of patience. Some of us have more natural patience but it is something that we should all show signs of having. When we are patient, it allows us to wait but also to keep trying until we achieve our aims. This week our collective worship focused on how Jesus called his disciples, every day people like ourselves. Even though Jesus tried to teach his disciples to believe in themselves and to trust in the power of God, we hear of his frustration with them in Luke 9:37-42, when they showed the people that they were unable to drive out a demon from a child. Jesus used this experience to show his disciples that they should not give up and to also remind them of keeping faith in God’s majesty and power.

For us, like the disciples we might give up easily when it seems we are not achieving something and that is the easy option. We are however reminded that continued patience, endurance and trust in ourselves and others will bring just rewards.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.

Proverbs 3:6

Attendance and Punctuality

This week our attendance rose to 97%. Well done! After half term, let’s try and match Reception’s 99% this week!

Early Birds

Infants: Reception Juniors: Year 6

Attendance Bears

Infants: Reception with 99%! Juniors: Year 4 with 97%

Assembly Timetable – Church hall at 2:55pm

Friday 24th FebruaryY1
Friday 3rd MarchY2
Friday 10th MarchY5
Friday 17th MarchY4
Friday 24th MarchReception
Friday 31st MarchNo assembly – last day of term

The Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health – Free Webinars

Nutrition and Mood – Assess impact of diet, understand which supplements are helpful, practical ideas to influence diet for the better.
Mindful Emotion Coaching – Neurodiversity inclusive, trauma-informed approach to wellness. FREE
Depression: Identifying and Supporting Children and Young People – Understand how depression presents, the role physical exercise may play, and tech and online interventions. FREE
Identifying and responding effectively to Traumatic BereavementDavid Trickey delivers a comprehensive session packed with tips and advice. FREE
FREE webinars from education professionals on Substance Use, Bereavement, Social Media

Community Activities/Events

Free Counselling Service for Parents

We highly recommend the free counselling service for parents through Camden. You can find out more and register your interest via this leaflet.

CAMHS Open Minded Webinars

The school also recommends the “Open Minded” webinars. Find our more by clicking here.

Camden Music Service

From Y1 onwards, you can sign your child up to learn an instrument in school. For more information and to download the Camden Music Service application form, please click here.

Term dates for 2022 – 2023

First day of autumn term Monday 5th September
Half termMonday 24th – Friday 28th October
Last day of autumn term Friday 16th December
First day of spring termWednesday 4th January 2023
Half termMonday 13th – Friday 17th February
Last day of spring termFriday 31st March
First day of summer termMonday 17th April
Half termMonday 29th May – Friday 2nd June
Last day of summer termFriday 21st July