Life is a long pilgrimage from fear to love.

Paulo Coelho

Today we welcome back our Year 5 class, who have been on pilgrimage in Walsingham since Wednesday. They had a fantastic time in a beautiful place, which has been special to countless Christians for centuries. As well as fun activities such as visiting the beach and having a barbecue, they had the chance to experience the peace and serenity of the shrine, as well as enjoying each other’s companionship as they deal with the excitement and challenges of being away from home.

On the subject of Year 5, three members of the class earned the privilege of having their art work displayed in a special exhibition at Camden Arts Centre on Thursday. Jason, Darcy and Oliver had their works selected by a panel of prestigious judges as part of a nationwide competition run by Art Bytes. Even though our talented young artists themselves were away at Walsingham, their families attended the exhibition on their behalf. Darcy’s portrait of Malala Yousafzai was named regional winner and national runner-up, and can be viewed along with other selected pieces from across the country in a virtual exhibition (Virtual Gallery 2022 | Art Bytes). We are very proud of all three of them, and delighted that we took part as a school in the competition.

Primary Shakespeare Festival

A huge well done is due for Year 6, who this week attended the Primary Shakespeare Company’s 2022 Festival. They reprised part of their triumphant production of Macbeth that we all enjoyed last term, participating in a collaborative performance with several other schools. They acted and sang as brilliantly as we all know they can, and were great ambassadors for our school!


Mental Health Workshops: 9-10.15am in our art room at school on the following dates:

  • Quiz Night – Thursday 7th July- See information below and buy your tickets here.
  • Summer Fair – Saturday 9th July
  • Sports Day Tuesday 12th July

Christian Value – Service

The idea of ‘greatness’ often calls to mind individuals who have achieved enormous power or personal glory, sometimes by imposing their will on others. Kings, emperors and conquerors sometimes have the title ‘the Great’ as an epithet, especially if they achieve success on the battlefield. However, Jesus is sometimes called the Servant King, and this seeming contradiction is an example of the quietly subversive nature of Jesus. He is the Prince of Peace, but also the arch disrupter, the exception that makes us rethink the true nature of ideas such as what it is to be ‘great’. Rather than imposing His will on others or exercising forceful, political power, He gave His life to the service of others, whether through symbolic acts such as washing the feet of His disciples, or through His supreme sacrifice for us on the cross. We may not be able to live up to His incredible example, but we can all draw inspiration and become great in our own modest ways by serving other people.

Everybody can be great because everybody can serve.

Martin Luther King Jr.
Buy your tickets here

June’s Wellbeing Tip – The Joy of Laughter

It’s true, laughter is a strong medicine. It draws people together in ways that trigger healthy physical and emotional changes in the body. Laughter strengthens our immune system, boosts mood, diminishes pain, and protects us from the damaging effects of stress. Nothing works faster to bring your mind and body back into balance than a good laugh. Here are some ways to start thinking about adding more humour to our routines this month:

  • Smile – Smiling is the beginning of laughter, and like laughter, it’s contagious. When you look at someone or see something even mildly pleasing, practise smiling.
  • Bring humour into conversations – Ask people what funny things they have seen recently, or if anything funny has happened to them.
  • Engage with comical media – If you know there are certain shows, video clips, writers or comedians that make you laugh, make time to engage with them.
  • Spend time with fun, playful people. As humans, we take on the energies of people around us so try and spend time with those who laugh easily – both at themselves and at life, and who routinely find the humour in everyday events.​

Classes assembly dates

Friday 24th JuneYear 3
Friday 1st JulyYear 1
Friday 8th JulyAwards assembly
Friday 15th JulyYear 6 (leavers’ assembly)

Attendance and Punctuality

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The whole school attendance level this week is 97.6%.

Attendance Bears are awarded to:

KS1: Y2 99% KS2: Y5 99%

Early Birds are awarded to: KS1: Y2 KS2: Y3


Camden Music Services

From Y1 onwards, you can sign your child up to learn an instrument in school. For more information and to download the Camden Music Service application form, please click here.

Community Events/Activities

Girls Football Development Class (with Coach Steve)

Where: Fleet Primary School, Agincourt Rd, NW3 2QT

When: Every Tuesday  Time: 5.30-6.30pm  Age: 6-10 year olds (Year 2 to Year 5)

Cost: First class is FREE (£6 per class thereafter)

For more info, please email Coach Steve –

At St Partick’s Catholic Primary School on Holmes Road NW5 3AH

Term dates for 2021 – 2022

First day of autumn term Friday 3rd September
Half termMonday 25th – Friday 29th October
Last day of autumn term Friday 17th December
First day of spring termWednesday 5th January 2022
Half termMonday 14th – Friday 18th February
Last day of spring termFriday 1st April 1.30pm
First day of summer termTuesday 19th April
Half termMonday 30th May – Friday 3rd June
Last day of summer termWednesday 20th July 1.30pm