Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.

Thomas Edison

We would normally be in full swing with Shakespeare at this time of the year but we look forward to it being our summer project! We were however delighted this week to share the school with teachers from schools all over London. They had the joy of seeing first hand how the Shakespeare project works and positively impacts our children and our staff. Our Year 5 class were absolute stars, welcoming the visiting teachers into their drama session and giving them a taste of the wonderful standard of performance we have at our school!

Sporting News

We were proud once again of our girls’ football team this week. Because they won their league earlier this term, they progressed to the Camden borough finals at Talacre Sports Centre on Tuesday. They drew their first game 0-0 with St Mary’s, then also drew their second game 0-0 with St. George’s and in the third game they lost 1-0 to Christ Church. While these results were sadly not enough to get through to the semi-final, we are immensely proud of all their efforts, and Tuesday’s heroics draw to a close a fantastic season. As always, they played brilliantly – special mentions go to Darcy for her excellent shot stopping and distribution, and also to Kimberly for playing in the team all season despite being one to two years younger than all of the other players in the competition. Even more importantly they were wonderful representatives of our school, showing care, courage and co-operation throughout, towards each other and towards children from competing teams. Their trophy as winners of the Camden Northern League is proudly on display in the downstairs hall. Well done girls! Thank you also to the parents who came and cheered the children on.

Parent Meetings

We look forward to welcoming parents and carers into school to meet with teachers in the coming days. Please note that appointment dates and times have very little flexibility and all parents must attend their chosen time. If there are any unforeseen circumstances that affect your ability to attend, please let the school office know urgently.

World Book Day Celebration – Wednesday 1st March

As you will have read in the email we sent earlier this week, we are celebrating World Book Day at our school on Wednesday 1st March (as school will be closed to children on Thursday 2nd – see below). If they wish, children can come to school dressed as one of their favourite book characters – please bring a £1 donation for charity if you possibly can. There will also be several fun activities happening in school, such as story telling sessions and book-themed dance workshops! All children will receive a £1 book token.

School Closure

As you know from our communications last month, school will be closed to pupils on Thursday next week (2nd March) due to strike action by the National Education Union. Once again, we appreciate our families’ support and understanding and regret the inconvenience this may cause you. We will of course update you if the situation changes.

Wellbeing Tip of the Week – how to relax and reduce stress from a child’s view…..

Christian Value of Forgiveness

We hear in the Bible how Jesus tells his disciples the following story to teach them about forgiveness.

A man owed the king ten thousand talents. He could not pay so he begged for mercy – and the king cancelled the debt. The man then met a fellow servant who owed him a hundred denarii. The man demanded payment and had his fellow servant thrown in prison when he could not pay.

When the king heard about this, he called for the first servant. “You wicked servant,” he said, “I cancelled all that debt of yours because you begged me to. Shouldn’t you have had mercy on your fellow servant just as I had on you?” The king handed him over to the jailers.

Jesus concluded, “This is how my heavenly father will treat each of you unless you forgive your brother from your heart.”

The lessons we learn from this parable are that:

  • We should forgive, even if the debt is huge.
  • If a person is genuinely sorry for doing wrong and asks for God’s forgiveness, it is freely given.
  • Jesus taught that God is willing to let us off a debt we truly cannot repay, so we should be ready to forgive others.
  • When someone cannot forgive, they remain bitter and resentful and end up suffering the most.

Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.

Ephesians 4:32

Attendance and Punctuality

This week our attendance remained at 97%. Well done! Let’s try and get even better next week!

Early Birds

Infants: Year 1 Juniors: Year 4

Attendance Bears

Infants: Reception with 99% Juniors: Year 5 with 97%

Assembly Timetable – Church hall at 2.55pm

Friday 3rd MarchY2
Friday 10th MarchY5
Friday 17th MarchY4
Friday 24th MarchReception
Friday 31st MarchNo assembly – last day of term

Community Activities/Events

Free Counselling Service for Parents

We highly recommend the free counselling service for parents through Camden. You can find out more and register your interest via this leaflet.

CAMHS Open Minded Webinars

The school also recommends the “Open Minded” webinars. Find our more by clicking here.

Camden Music Service

From Y1 onwards, you can sign your child up to learn an instrument in school. For more information and to download the Camden Music Service application form, please click here.

Term dates for 2022 – 2023

First day of autumn term Monday 5th September
Half termMonday 24th – Friday 28th October
Last day of autumn term Friday 16th December
First day of spring termWednesday 4th January 2023
Half termMonday 13th – Friday 17th February
Last day of spring termFriday 31st March
First day of summer termMonday 17th April
Half termMonday 29th May – Friday 2nd June
Last day of summer termFriday 21st July