All the world’s a stage, / And all the men and women merely players.

William Shakespeare, As You Like It

This week we thoroughly enjoyed our infant and Year 3/4 productions of Macbeth. The children have worked so hard to bring this four hundred-year-old play to life and should be very proud of their efforts. Thank you to all the staff who made it possible, and of course to parents and carers for your tireless support. It was lovely to welcome full audiences to the performances for the first time in so long! Remember, next week we will have the Year 5/6 performances on Tuesday at 6pm, and on Wednesday at 2pm and 6pm.

Next week the children will share some learning from their Shakespeare work in the following way:

Reception class – Tues, Weds, Thurs at 8:40-9am – this is also a time for your children to share their classroom and outdoor space with you.

Year 1 – Tues & Weds at 8:40-9am – in the classroom

Year 2 – Tues & Weds at 8:40-9am in the quiet area of the playground

Year 3 – Tues & Weds at 8:40-9am in the playground

Y4, Y5, Y6 – Children will bring home a piece of work of their choice

Look out for the Shakespeare exhibition from Thursday morning…..

Sporting News

Our girls’ football team did us proud on Wednesday this week, taking part in a football tournament at Talacre Sports Centre. They achieved two wins and two draws – a very impressive set of results! Even more importantly, they represented the school brilliantly, providing great examples of our 3Cs of courage, care and cooperation in action. Congratulations are due to Elsie, Askale and Darcy in particular as goalscorers. Well done girls!

Brass Concert

On Thursday next week (31st March) there will be a concert featuring our wonderful Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 class bands, in which they will showcase the repertoire they have been working on this term. It will take place in the church from 2.15pm to 3.00pm. Year 4/5/6 parents and carers are very welcome to attend. Please ensure that your child brings his/her instrument to school that day.

Please also note that school finishes for the children at 1.30pm on the last day of term, Friday 1st April.

Mental Health and Wellbeing workshops

Parent and carer workshop for child anxiety – This is an 8 week course via Zoom that supports parents in managing their child’s worries, no matter the size. Please click on link for more information.

In addition to the course above, we are running ‘in person’ parent workshops in school on the following dates from 9-10:15am.

  • Supporting your child’s MH and wellbeing – Thursday 5th May
  • Supporting parent/carer wellbeing – Thursday 26th May
  • Supporting children with stress/anxiety – Thursday 16th June

Wellbeing Tip of the Week: Giving – How giving can help your mental health and wellbeing

This week’s wellbeing tip, on the importance of giving, is written by Amelia (Year 5,) from Emmanuel CofE Primary School:

Giving to others brings a better feeling than receiving. When we give to others it actually triggers our brain, releases endorphins and boosts happiness for us as well as the people we help. It is important to give others gifts of kindness to represent your friendship and what they mean to you. This can help to build friendships and connections with others, or re-unite broken ones that boost your energy, making you feel complete. It is also important to thank others for what they have done for you and feel thankful for what has been achieved. Giving doesn’t have to just be something you buy for someone, it could be:

To give your time to help someone
Acts of kindness such as holding the door for somebody
Giving them time to listen to them
Saying thank you to someone for something they’ve done for you
Asking a friend if they would like to play together
Asking a friend how they are and really listen to the answer
Offering your seat to somebody on the bus
Offering to help your teacher with a job in the classroom

Christian Value – Forgiveness

It is easy to see forgiveness and non-judgement as one and the same. To describe a person as ‘judgemental’ is usually seen as a criticism of one who harshly condemns rather than forgives. However, the story of the woman taken in adultery (John 8:1-11) captures a more nuanced picture of the balance between judgement and forgiveness.

In an attempt to force Jesus to contradict either the law of Moses or his own opposition to violence, the Pharisees take the woman to Jesus to ask whether to stone her. His famous response is cleverer than their question. At first he is silent, ‘as though he heard them not.’ Eventually he says, ‘He that is without sin among you, let him cast the first stone.’ One by one, they leave in silence. When he sees that no man had condemned her, he tells the woman, ‘Neither do I condemn thee: go, and do wrong no more.’

Several details stand out. First is Jesus’ initial silence, perhaps modelling a refusal to rush to judgement – being ‘too judgemental’ is often a matter of being too quick to judge. Secondly, is it not that Jesus reserves judgement completely. It should not go unnoticed that by his injunction ‘do wrong no more’ he makes it perfectly clear that adultery is a sin. Every parent knows that if we love someone, we must help them see when they are doing wrong; we do them no favours by ignoring it. But while he clearly condemns her actions, Jesus specifically says, ‘Neither do I condemn thee.’ He makes a key distinction between judging a person’s actions and condemning the person themselves. This will no doubt be familiar to parents and carers, and teachers too – in instances of poor behaviour, school staff are trained to separate the behaviour from the child, to make it clear that it is the pupil’s behaviour or choices to which they object and not the individual. In the wider world, it can often be challenging to separate dislike of sins and dislike of sinners, but in this story Jesus models exactly that distinction, and shows us a way we can set others straight when they have done wrong, while also showing forgiveness to them as a person worthy of such a gift.

Man and his deed are two distinct things…the doer of the deed, whether good or wicked, always deserves respect or sympathy.

Mahatma Gandhi

Attendance and Punctuality

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As we continue to recover from the recent bout of COVID in the school, our attendance has improved for the second week running and now stands at 96%.

Attendance Bears are awarded to:

KS1: Y2 99.7% KS2: Y3 at 97.3%

Early Birds are awarded to: KS1: Y1 KS2: Y3

Coach Steve’s Easter Multi-Activity Camps

Our very own Coach Steve will be running multi-activity camps during the Easter holiday. For more information, see the leaflet below, or email

Camden Music Services

From Y1 onwards, you can sign your child up to learn an instrument in school. For more information and to download the Camden Music Service application form, please click here.

Girls Football Development Class (with Coach Steve)

Where: Fleet Primary School, Agincourt Rd, NW3 2QT

When: Every Tuesday  Time: 5.30-6.30pm  Age: 6-10 year olds (Year 2 to Year 5)

Cost: First class is FREE (£6 per class thereafter)

For more info, please email Coach Steve –

Term dates for 2021 – 2022

First day of autumn term Friday 3rd September
Half termMonday 25th – Friday 29th October
Last day of autumn term Friday 17th December
First day of spring termWednesday 5th January 2022
Half termMonday 14th – Friday 18th February
Last day of spring termFriday 1st April 1.30pm
First day of summer termTuesday 19th April
Half termMonday 30th May – Friday 3rd June
Last day of summer termWednesday 20th July 1.30pm