A little flower that blooms in May. A lovely sunset at the end of a day. Someone helping a stranger along the way. That’s heaven to me.

Sam Cooke

The Royal Albert Hall was ignited by the young voices and musicians of Camden schools at the Camden Music Festival on Monday night and we very proud of Year 5 who represented our school – a very special and memorable experience for them!

Well done to our swimmers for competing so well in the Camden Swimming Gala today. Out of a total of fourteen schools, our children were overall runners up – a fantastic achievement! Even more important that their individual and collective successes, they were excellent ambassadors for our school, showing wonderful behaviour throughout the day.

A reminder that school will be closed on Tuesday 2nd May due to strike action by the NEU.

The children will be enjoying various activities next week to support their understanding of the coronation celebrations and rituals. This will include an optional crown-making activity! If they wish, your child can make a crown at home and bring it in on Friday next week. They will have the chance to show their classmates in the morning, and in the afternoon, they can wear their crowns to assembly! We will have this whole-school assembly on Friday 5th May at 2.55pm in Holy Trinity Church – all are welcome.

Friday class assemblies this term will be a collective worship session lead by each class on the following dates:

  • Friday 12th May – Y5
  • Friday 19th May – Y6
  • Friday 26th May – Y4
  • Friday 9th June – Y3
  • Friday 16th June – Y2
  • Friday 30th June – Y1

Christian Value of Compassion

Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.

Colossians 3:12

In the bible we learn of the different miracles that Jesus performed. There was an occasion we hear of where some friends were so determined to show care and compassion for their paralysed friend, that they went to extreme measures to get Jesus to heal him.

At this time, people were excited whenever they heard that Jesus was in their area because they either wanted to see a miracle or be the one who was healed. So, as Jesus entered one of the homes in Capernaum, people quickly gathered around Him. Unfortunately when the four friends arrived at the house where Jesus was, they realised that they would not be able to get through to see Him. Determined not to give up for the sake of their friend, they decided to take him to the roof of the building that Jesus was in – most houses had staircases outside to get to the flat roof. They then dug through the roof and lowered the mat that the paralysed man was lying on down to where Jesus was. Jesus was so impressed with the faith of the four friends that He healed the lame man straightaway.

This man’s friends went to great efforts to have him healed. They put themselves out because they cared about him. They did not mind the journey and the work of making the hole in the roof; their reward was seeing their friend healed and walking. There are times when being compassionate may mean having to go the extra mile in order to help and bring comfort to one another.

Save the date for our Spring Fair! There will be lots of great activities including the photo booth, garland making, craft activities as well as cakes and drinks.

We would also like some music to entertain the adults and children alike so if anyone has any ideas or suggestions, please let your class rep know.

Attendance and Punctuality

Early Birds

Infants: Year 1 Juniors: Year 6

Attendance Bears

Infants: Reception with 98.3% Juniors: Year 5 with 99.2%

Community Activities/Events


Free Counselling Service for Parents

We highly recommend the free counselling service for parents through Camden. You can find out more and register your interest via this leaflet.

CAMHS Open Minded Webinars

The school also recommends the “Open Minded” webinars. Find our more by clicking here.

Camden Music Service

From Y1 onwards, you can sign your child up to learn an instrument in school. For more information and to download the Camden Music Service application form, please click here.

Term dates for 2022 – 2023

First day of autumn term Monday 5th September
Half termMonday 24th – Friday 28th October
Last day of autumn term Friday 16th December
First day of spring termWednesday 4th January 2023
Half termMonday 13th – Friday 17th February
Last day of spring termFriday 31st March
First day of summer termMonday 17th April
Half termMonday 29th May – Friday 2nd June
Last day of summer termFriday 21st July