I kept always two books in my pocket: one to read, one to write in.

Robert Louis Stevenson

Writing Competition

We hope that lots of children have been writing at home in preparation for entering the school’s writing competition after half term – we look forward to hearing their creative ideas! Please see the letter from Mr Martisius (sent home yesterday) for details on this, and also on the separate BBC writing competition.

Parents Evening

We look forward to seeing parents and carers next week at your meetings with class teachers. Please can we remind parents that the schedule for teachers is very full so please arrive on time. If for any unforeseen circumstances you need to change the meeting, please contact the school office.

Christmas Cards

These were sent home in your child’s bag this week. Please ensure you return your proof cards to your class teacher or the office on Monday 6th November so that your orders can be sent to print.

Key Dates this term

  • Fri 15th December – Christmas Fair
  • Tues 12th Dec 10am & 2pm – Infant Nativity performance
  • Weds 13th Dec – 2pm & 6pm – Junior performance
  • Thurs14th December – 9.30am  – Junior performance

Christian Vision

And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, by encouraging one another.

Hebrews 10:24-25

On 1st November, All Saints’ Day, we celebrate all saints who are in heaven. These include all known and unknown saints. It is a holiday rooted in the belief that the world is spiritually connected to heaven. 

This is then followed by All Souls’ Day where we remember the souls of all who have died, in the hope and faith that they will join the communion of saints in Heaven. While this is in many ways a day of sadness, it is a feast that serves as a valuable reminder of God’s great love – thanks to the sacrifice made on our behalf by Jesus, the way to Heaven has been opened to us. The sorrow of being parted from those we love remains with us always, because the grief we feel is a direct link to the love we have given. But God’s love is far greater than anything we can possibly feel; it ensures that we never feel alone and should never feel afraid. His love spurs us on in times of sorrowful reflection to live our lives full of love and faith, in the hope that we are eventually reunited with the loved and lost, and with God Himself.

He heals the broken-hearted, and binds up their wounds.

Psalms 147:3

Class Assemblies – Fridays at 2.55pm in the Church Hall

Friday 10th NovemberY6 – Remembrance Day
Friday 17th NovemberReception
Friday 24th NovemberAwards Assembly
Friday 1st DecemberAwards Assembly
Friday 8th DecemberAwards Assembly
Friday 15th DecemberAwards Assembly

Attendance and Punctuality

Our attendance has had a brief dip to 95% but we feel confident that we can push this up again next week.

Attendance Bears

Infants: Year 2 with 97.5% Juniors: Year 4 with 98%

Early Birds

Infants: Reception Juniors: Year 4

Coach Steve’s ‘Match Play Only’ football class.

Age: Year 2 to Year 6

Book a free taster via email – prorevolution.development@gmail.com

Free Counselling Service for Parents

We highly recommend the free counselling service for parents through Camden. You can find out more and register your interest via this leaflet.

Camden Music Service

From Y1 onwards, you can sign your child up to learn an instrument in school. For more information and to download the Camden Music Service application form, please click here.

Other Community Initiatives

Camden Library Activities
We highly recommend these. Click here for the catalogue.

Chess tournament at UCL Academy

Click here to sign up.

Term dates for 2023 – 2024

First day of autumn term Wednesday 6th September
Half termMonday 23rd – Friday 27th October
INSET DAYMonday 30th October
Last day of autumn term Friday 22nd December
INSET DAYMonday 8th January 2024
First day of spring termTuesday 9th January
Half termMonday 12th – Friday 16th February
Last day of spring termFriday 28th March
First day of summer termMonday 15th April
Half termMonday 29th May – Friday 2nd June
INSET DAYMonday 3rd June
Last day of summer termWednesday 24th July